Thursday, 24 January 2008

The sign-up questionnaire for the UK Swap, i learnt about at
Part One: Crafting

Do you knit, crochet, or both?
***i exclusively knit

What do you like to make? Do you have a favourite project?
***i love socks. and cardigans

Do you have a favourite type of fiber or brand of yarn?
***i like silk, mohair and merino. i am not such a big fan of cotton as i prefer stretchy yarn.

favourite brands include rowan (i drowned myself in an kidsilk offer on ebay...) , but i also like paton. favourite sockwool would be regia, i like their massive range of colours. i also like the look of wollmeise, but have never worked with it.

Do you have a least favourite type of yarn?
***as i said, not a big fan of cotton, and i have a certain dislike of manmade fibres and novelty yarn.

Do you do any other crafts?
***i do a bit of felting, toy around with fimo, and occasionally sew something (but i am an amateur).

What knitting do you bring ‘on the go’?
***socks. always socks.

What do you carry your ‘on the go’ knitting in? Do you want something new?
***hm, i have a little sturdy pastic bag, that once contained a set of shower gel and body lotion. turns out: it is perfect to hold a small project, and needles can't pierce the material. it zips up as well, and is waterproof...
what i am really on the look out for: a knitting bag for bigger projects. i have a walmart holdall, but it has no extra pocket for little things.

Are there any knitting gifts (book, toy, yarn, item, tool) that you have been lusting over?
*** as i said, i just splurged on a massive amount of kidsilk, but i just love sock wool, and could buy it forevermore.
books: i am still looking for a decent introduction into fairisle, with fitted patterns that look good on a size 12/14... But apparently this book doesn't exist.

Part Two: Your Favourites

What is your favourite colour? What is your least favourite colour?
*** i love what cosmetic counter girls call "winter colours". Strong, clear colours: most greens and blues, cherry reds, dark purples, black and white, also grey as long as it isn't too silvery.
I absolutely cannot stand pastel colours, and yellow and orange sadly look aweful combined with my english rose skin :)
What scents/smells do you like? What don’t you like?
***i like lavender, bergamot and everything citrussy. again, something clean and clear. i also like herbs and spice smells such as cinnamon, clove, rosemary.
flowery scents (rose, partchouli, jasmine) aren't really my thing, as well as anything sweet (apple pie, vanilla).

How do you like to pamper yourself? (bubble bath, hand creams, massage, manicure)
***i have nice hot showers and baths, and thankfully my boyfriend is brilliant at massages and also dishes them out quite freely (sooo lucky ;))

What goodies to you like to treat your tummy with? (chocolate, biscuits, truffles, etc.)
***as i am trying to lose my christmas weight (and go back to this size 12 i've been talking about...) i prefer dried fruit (especially mangos, yum!). but if i have chocolate, then i prefer the really dark stuff. i can't have dairy, but i do not mind, as the 70% and plus is really my cuppa ;)

Do you prefer tea or coffee while you knit? Any particular kind? Favourite mug/cup?
***i love tea, mostly green, weak black (think ceylon) or anything herbal.
i have a giant cup and saucer (fits about a pint!) that i bought on holidays, but i am still looking for the perfect way to prepare loose leaf tea.

Do you listen to/watch anything while you knit? (TVshow-Along, movies, music, podcasts
***i watch episodes of House M.D., or listen to classical music.

Part Three: Living & Past-times

Where do you live in the UK? (General idea not address)

Have you always lived here, or did you grow up somewhere else?
***i grew up in mainland europe

If you could visit anywhere in the world, where would you go?
***new zealand, norway, mongolia

If you couldn’t go to a knitting group, what other kind of gathering would you go to? (book club, tea party, yoga class, jewelery class, etc.)
***i love yoga, and i go running with a friend. i also sing in several choirs.

What’s your style? (elegant, traditional, glamourous, girly, natural, sporty, outgoing, etc.)
***i guess i am quite traditional and outgoing with a few quirky touches. not too girly, as i dislike glitter and baby colours (except for on babies :) ), but i like to stress my feminine side, wear skirts etc.

Final Part:
Any allergies/preferences (fiber-wise or treat-wise)?
can't have dairy or coffee, and i like to stick to organic/fairtrade.

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